

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Food Pics From Jamaica

Not an egg fan, but this was like a quiche with veg. in the middle
fried on top of the stove
Stewed liver, yellow yam calaloo and green bananas
Fried fish with green & red peppers, dumpling,  pumpkin, green good

Fried fish then stewed with the peppers and well seasoned
with traditional seasoning.  Dumplings on the side -
this was delicious.

Caloloo, cucumbers and ginger
and watermelon juice

Fresh sour sop normally comes in a can in the states


My favorite - calaloo, banana and pumpkin
Star fruit, soft and not to sweet.  I had this with breakfast
every morning
Melon, apples, pineapples and bananas, which were much sweeter than the states
Beets, Orange and ginger mixed in a blender.  
East Indian and Julie mangoes are so yummie.
Red sweet plums
Mushroom, corn salad, calaloo and fish

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