

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wow Your Salmon with Pineapple Salsa

Pineapple Salsa
Chill for an hour or more and see the flavors
come alive.

Salmon is the kind of fish that really doesn't need much of anything for it to taste delicious..  But since it is Sunday and mommy taught us to wear our Sunday best, I wanted to give a little extra care to my Sunday meal and dress it up with a little extra pizazz.  So I decided to try it out with a tangy sweet and sour pineapple salsa mix.  I actually didn't have fresh pineapple but I found a can of pineapple hiding at the back of my cupboard which was just perfect.  So here is a recipe that will go very well with the catch of the day.

Ingredients for Pineapple Salsa:

1 cup of finely fresh pineapple (I used a can and poured out the juice, which I shredded in a blender)
2 tablespoon of finely chopped red onions
2 tablespoon of finely chopped green onions(I used leek instead)
1 teaspoon cilantro - finely chopped
1 teaspoon red bell peppers - finely chopped
2 tablespoon lime
Dash of red pepper, cayenne (for more heat add jalapeno pepper, this is optional- I didn't have any but really wanted to add this to the menu)
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Mix all ingredients together and chill for an hour or more for great flavor. 

The extra sweet tangy taste on the salmon was very good, and it made a big change from just an ordinary salmon to one with a little extra flavor.  This was just the right touch for our Sunday Meal. 


  1. Sounds delicious. What were your side dishes.

  2. Expressed delivery but I am sorry I am full now so I will have to let you know tomorrow.

  3. The side dishes were a spinach dish, which was dazzled with cashews and a little butter to give a creamy taste, a cabbage mixture with a little hint of lemon and thanks to my wonderful sister in law, a Jamaican style rice and peas, all delicious combination with my meal today.

  4. Yummy for my tummy! I love each ingredient in this dish independently, and together... OH MY!

  5. Hahaha, I am glad you like it. :)
