

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mama's Sunday Mix

As I was drinking my morning juice of beets orange juice and ginger, one of the staff members in Jamaica, Rui Montego Bay asked me if I've ever tried the traditional Sunday morning juice. She said every Sunday most households make rice and peas, stewed curry chicken and greens, I suppose she meant calaloo, which is also a favorite of the Jamaicans. But what I didn't  know although married to a Jamaican man over 20+ years,  that carrot and  beet juice mixed with carnation milk is a must for the household every Sunday. She even said that some people would also add a little Guinness stout to it and top it off with freshly grated nutmeg. Well this is definitely one to try without the stout, not a drinker, but with silk almond or coconut milk (no diary either) which also has a heavy consistency like the carnation milk. Topping that off with fresh nutmeg would certainly keep my marriage very happy.  I will let you all know when I make it.  For those that want to add a little backbone, try it with stout.  And that didn't come from me.

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